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From:  Roy Hanson–Family Protection Ministries and Mike Smith–HSLDA

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Bill:  AB 1444 as amended April 22, 2014 – Mandatory Kindergarten

Author: Assemblymember Joan Buchanan

Position: We Strongly Opposed.

Status: VETOED By Governor Brown – A Great Victory for Children and their Parents!!


Thank you for your important prayers and phone calls that played a key part in this victory!

It is with grateful hearts and thanksgiving to God that we received news that Governor Brown vetoed AB 1444 yesterday. This is truly an answer to prayer.

FPM’s Nathan Pierce testified in opposition to AB 1444 and worked toward this victory at the Capitol in your behalf.

We appreciate all who helped with your vital phone calls and prayers, and with teamwork support of our (FPM’s) work at the Capitol in Sacramento.

Summary of Concern:

AB 1444 would have encroached upon parental rights by making kindergarten mandatory before taking the first grade, forcing the addition of one more year to a child’s education.

No further action is required on AB 1444.

Here is the Governor’s veto message:

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SEP 28 2014


To the Members of the California State Assembly:

I am returning Assembly Bill 1444 without my signature.

This measure makes kindergarten compulsory by requiring all students to attend one year of kindergarten before entering first grade.

Most children already attend kindergarten, and those that don’t may be enrolled in other educational or developmental programs that are deemed more appropriate for them by their families.

I would prefer to let parents determine what is best for their children, rather than mandate an entirely new grade level.

Sincerely, Edmund G. Brown Jr.


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Thanks again for your important prayers, phone calls, and support of our work!

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Permission given to forward this Action Alert unaltered to your friends, church, school, and group.

This Newsflash was sent out by
Roy Hanson and Nathan Pierce
Family Protection Ministries
PO Box 730
Lincoln, CA 95648

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