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Nathan Pierce and Family Protection Ministries invite you to join our upcoming webinar titled “District Visits 101—From Advocacy to Action.” Register Here

As advocates for private home education and Biblical family values, we are deeply concerned about the push in the California legislature to extend state authority into the private family lives of Californians.

Due to the increased national spotlight on homeschooling, Nathan anticipates more direct legislative attacks against the freedom to homeschool, both in California and nationally. We are not saying that homeschooling is going away this year. But you must be aware that there are politicians playing a long game, and their end goal is to gain control over the lives of your children!

That is why visiting district offices is so urgent. Having families share the positive message of their experiences while privately educating their children at home is critical. As California continues to embrace policies elevating the government’s authority over children, it is so important that members of the legislature have the opportunity to interact with families who are thriving while privately educating their children at home without any government assistance.

On Thursday, April 25th, FPM will be hosting an exciting online event to help you get started! This FREE live training event will detail everything you need to know about taking your family on a district office visit. During this event, we will show you the materials we will provide for you to take on your visit. You will also hear from Jennifer Avila. Jennifer has taken her family on many district office visits and will share tips with you about visits and answer any questions you may have.

Date: Thursday, April 25th

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM PT

Please join us for this informative session and learn how your family can make an impact. We anticipate 20 minutes of instruction and training, followed by an opportunity for Q&A.

To register for this free webinar, please click the button below: Register Here

If you have any questions about this event, you may contact Jennifer at or text her at 951-364-4494.


Jennifer Avila is a homeschool mom of three and small business owner alongside her husband of 12 years. She was not homeschooled, but the Lord laid the idea upon her heart as a teenager and it never wavered. Her background in television, radio, and local government has given her the tools to successfully advocate. Networking and maintaining connections has always been her strong suit. Jennifer and her family’s advocacy extends to their local law enforcement each year and were presented a plaque in recognition of their support as well in 2021. Both Jennifer and her husband make time for advocacy, knowing that anything good and worth having is worth fighting for.

Nathan Pierce began working at Family Protection Ministries (FPM) in 2002 to protect homeschooling in California. He was homeschooled himself from kindergarten through high school and received a B.A. in Political Studies from the Master’s College. Currently, he serves as FPM’s Executive Director, Legislative Liaison, and conference speaker to homeschool leaders, parents, and teens. He works behind the scenes at the State Capitol, meeting with legislators to advocate on behalf of homeschoolers. In 2018, Nathan received the Christopher J. Klicka Award for legislative work protecting homeschool freedoms. He and his wife Betsy were married in 2004 and have eight children. They are involved in their church, and homeschool their own children.Register Here!

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