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Register to Vote in the General Election on November 6!

Monday (October 22nd) is the last day to register to vote in the General Election on November 6th, 2018.

It is easier to be involved in electing good legislators than it is to fight every bad piece of legislation that comes up in the course of a year. On Tuesday, November 6th, between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., we have the opportunity to go to the polls, exercise our God-given responsibilities and rights, and send a message concerning the direction that our government should take over the course of the next few years.

Click Here to Register to Vote

Be a faithful steward of the freedoms God has entrusted to us. Protect your rights and liberties – get involved in the election process. Register to vote, support good candidates, and vote on November 6th. The moral fabric of our nation and our liberties are in great peril.

Are you properly registered to vote for the upcoming November 6th General Election? You or your eligible children should (re)register IF:

  • you have moved or changed your name since the last election in which you voted
  • you are unsure if you are properly registered to vote
  • your child or you will turn 18 years old by November 6th

The deadline for registering to vote is Monday, October 22nd, 2018.

Click Here to Register to Vote

Voting by Absentee Ballot (also known as “Vote-by-Mail ballot”)

Voting by absentee ballot allows you to take your time when marking your ballot, and vote wherever is convenient for you, such as your home. It also assures you that no last minute emergency will keep you from casting your important vote.

Requests for absentee ballots for the important November 6th General Election must be received by your county elections office by October 30th. October 30th is the last day that the county elections official will accept requests through the mail for absentee ballots. Click here for more information about your county elections official.

Here are some ways to request an absentee ballot:

  1. You can fill in the absentee ballot request on the back of your sample ballot. Important information is contained in your sample ballot, which is available on your county elections office’s website. Click here for more information about your county elections office.
  2. You can also request Permanent Absentee Voter status on the back of your sample ballot.
  3. You can request an absentee ballot with the California Vote-by-Mail Ballot Application. Click here to go to the application now. Type on the the application directly, then print, sign, and date it. Mail the application to your county elections office. Requests must be received by your county elections official by October 30th.
  4. Anytime after 7 days before the election (i.e. after October 30th), you will need to apply in person for an absentee ballot from your county elections office.

If you forget to mail in your absentee ballot on time, you can hand deliver it to your local (or any) polling place in the county in which you are registered or you can turn it in to the office of your county elections official before 8 p.m. on General Election Day, November 6th. If you need someone else to hand deliver your absentee ballot, you may authorize a relative or a person residing at your address to do so by filling out the appropriate place on the envelope that accompanies the ballot that you received by mail.

Additional questions about absentee ballots can be answered by your local county elections office, which you can locate by clicking here.

Important Election Dates

Information about voting and elections is also available at the web site for the Secretary of State:

Other Important Items

If you do not have enough information to vote on a particular issue or office, you can leave that space blank and vote on the rest.

Initiatives/propositions, such as many so-called campaign reform measures, are not always what they appear to be. All bond issues, for example, involve government borrowing at interest from the future, putting additional burdens of indebtedness on our children. When there are initiatives/propositions on your ballot, read each proposition carefully, including the “for and against” positions before voting.

Beware of Slate Mailers! “Slate mailers” are election pieces that list a number of candidates and/or propositions to vote for or against. Some slates are legitimate and very helpful, but many are deliberately designed to deceive voters. For example, one slate in a previous election looked like it came from one political party, but it had several ballot propositions listed with positions opposite of that party. Any candidates or propositions with an asterisk by them have paid to advertise on that slate. You may want to consider throwing slate mailers out unless you are convinced that you know the philosophy of the people who produced them and you agree with that philosophy.

Roy Hanson and Nathan Pierce
Family Protection Ministries
PO Box 730
Lincoln, CA 95648


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